Surya Performance Lab is a dance theatre & music company based in Auroville, India directed by Philippe Pelen Baldani & Thierry Moucazambo, During their long history they have worked with dedicated artists and have performed in 83 countries.

Story Of
Is This The End ?
Two young people, a man and a woman in love, face a world in crisis and in deep transition. They carry on their shoulders and in their bodies, the memory of a world which seems to be extinct and especially the memory of a suffering Nature.
About Surya Performance Lab
We are an Aurovilian dance theatre company with artistes who are fully dedicated to art based in Auroville, India

Upcoming Performances

After the success of their show BHU/EARTH in India, Philippe Pelen Baldini and Thierry Moucazambo are happy to introduce their new production, VAST. Vast is the story of a young boy from Nepal who has been snatched from his family and home in the Himalaya Mountains. Kidnapped and abused, he now lives in a slum in a big city in India.